On Tuesday my little skinny frog got (what I thought) was the tummy bug. She threw up all night long, which was pleasant, and finally went to sleep early Wednesday morning. She slowly recovered on Wednesday and Thursday and seemed to be back to her old self by Friday. Then, Friday afternoon it started again. She threw up only three times in about a 30 minute period, and then seemed to be better. Fine all day yesterday, and then last night...you guessed it! Needless to say, we are tired of the tummy bug, or whatever it is that Mia has right now. She is so pitiful laying on the couch and in her bed, which, if you know Mia, you know she isn't feeling well if she is choosing to lay down!
But, you know me, I had to grab my camera and take some pictures because of our dog, Abby's, response to Mia being sickly.
Abby is a funny dog...she seems to know when something is up. She sat right by me anytime I was on the couch or in a chair when I was pregnant with both Mia and Ella with her head on my belly...it was like she was protecting them before they were born. So today, as Mia snoozed on the couch, Abby was watching over her...soooo cute!
The jury is still out on little "skinny frog". We are hoping it was something that she ate and it is out of her system...I guess we will know soon!
I pray she gets better soon!