I could not ask for a better daddy or husband than Ryan. He is so thoughtful, and always makes a big deal about birthdays, anniverseries, and special holidays. He has commited to treat the girls special on special days so that they don't settle for anything less when they look for the man God has for them.
...back to Valentines Day...Ryan walks in with the flowers...now that Annalise is 7, and knows that it is Valentines day, she knows that daddy will be home with flowers for her. She was so excited, hugged her daddy and took her flower and proudly displayed it on her dresser. Mia was
funny, she took her flower and walked around with it, ate breakfast with it, and carried it around until her party started. Ella chews on her little Valentine puppy, but I know she loves it too! I love that their daddy treats them like princesses and makes the day special for them too.
So...on Thursday Ryan arranged for us to go on a Valentine date. He got one of our good friends to come keep the girls so I wouldn't worry about them. He made a big deal about going someplace we hadn't gone before and a place that was not "kid filled". So, he printed out three different
menus and had me look them over and pick the one I wanted to go to. We ended up at the Iguana Mexican Grill. I know it is a shocker that I picked the Mexican Place! It was really good. It was a small little hole-in-the-wall place. We had chips and two different kinds of salsa..and some yummy queso (of course!). We ate dinner...and I have to admit, not going to a large "chain" restaurant was actually relaxing! There was no one to feed, no drinks being spilled, and no one crying or throwing a fit. It was very peaceful!
After we finished dinner, we went to another little place for dessert and coffee. We drove
around for a while and ended up at Cuppies and Joe. I had never been here. I am not a coffee drinker, so I don't visit coffee shops often. It was a fun little place that reminded me of the little coffee hang out we used to go to at OBU.
It was an old little house that they had redone. It had lots of different couches and chairs and some tables with chairs too. It was a fun little retro place that I loved. They have lots of different cupcakes and coffeshop drinks. We got cupcakes... Ryan got coconut and I got red velvet . We got drinks...Ryan got some sort of Espresso thing and I got frozen hot chocolate...OH MY WORD! I have never in my
life had frozen hot chocolate...I am not sure if I had ever even heard of it. It is the consistancy of a chocolate shake, but it is not ice cream. It is very chocolatey and icy...It was yum...I think I will be trying to find that place often! Ryan took a drink of it and didn't like it...he said it was like drinking chocolate cake. What is wrong with drinking chocolate cake??? YUM! It was great...I had to take a picture of it, but it doesn't do it justice...It is what will be served in heaven.
Overall it was a great night. I have the best husband in the world who treats me and the girls like we are everything to him. He put so much thought into our night together and it was wonderful! :) Happy (late) Valentines Day!