On Thursday in San Antonio we decided to take a break from Sea World and spend some time downtown! We took the kids to eat at Fuddruckers and the toured the Alamo...complete with a guided history lesson tour from Ryan.

Family photo Downtown :)
Group pic in the gardens outside the Alamo
All the kiddos...Annalise, Mia-Kate, Ella, Harrison, and Aidan

Mommy and Mia-Kate looking at the huge fish!
After we were done at the Alamo, we took the kids to shop around the Riverwalk and the Riverwalk mall...we ended the day with a ride on the Riverboats. The kids thought it was neat so ride the boat and see all the buildings and ducks.
Sweet sisters...Ella was a trouper missing her naps and still going!
Fading fast...

Our sweet friend, Lori came with us to San Antonio to offer another set of hands, and to stay with the kiddos so we could go on date nights! We had a fun double date with Mike and Kari on the river Thursday night. We ate Mexican food at Rio Rio and then walked around for a while...and completed the evening with dessert at The Hardrock Cafe. It was great to be able to go out and have "grown up time" without needing to worry about naps and sippy cups! Thanks Lori!
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