My baby is 8 months old. The time has gone so fast. It seems like it has been no time at all since August. It is funny how different she is from her sisters. She is doing everything in her own time. Mia was much faster in everything that she did...trying to keep up with Annalise. Ella doesn't seem to care what anyone else is doing, she does it when she wants to.
She is doing lots of things on her own now. She sits up by herself, feeds herself snacks, and now...she has started crawling. It makes me a little sad...maybe it is because she is my last and I want things to slow down...I want time to enjoy every moment of her being little...
It started out that she would roll around all over the living room to get where she needed to go. We would laugh and say that she didn't need to learn to crawl or walk, because she was the fastest roller any of us had ever seen and she got exactly where she wanted to go! Then we went through a time of crawling backwards everywhere. That was pretty funny too. My other girls did that as well. Annalise just scooted backwards and played with whatever was where she ended up. Mia would get incredibly angry because she couldn't make herself go the way she wanted to go. Ella was funny about it. She would look behind her and see where things were before she started scooting, like she knew she was going to go backwards so she needed to aim for whatever toy she wanted.
The scooting days are over...she gets where she wants to go now. She is not incredibly speedy yet, but she doesn't seem to mind. She gets where she needs to be! She doesn't crawl on both knees, she has her right knee on the ground and her left foot on the is strange...but that is Ella! She kindof looks like a crab... :)