Liberty Belles
I love the 4th of July. It is one of my most favorite holidays. I am thankful for people, like my grandfather, who dedicated their lives to fighting for our freedom, and I love getting to take a day to celebrate them. I love getting the girls dressed up in their red, white and blue...watching the parade, taking pictures, swimming, going to the carnival, watching the is just a fantastic day! :)

The whole gang BEFORE the parade
Kelsi, Annalise, Kami Aidan, Mia-Kate, Ella, Harrison, and Kylie
After snapping a few pictures, we walked down and got everyone situated to watch the parade. We put blankets down on the ground and set up chairs. The kids were so excited. We were all excited because it was nice outside...not hot at all, and we were thankful that we weren't all dying of heat...

THEN, the bottom of the sky dropped out, about 30 minutes into the parade...OH MY WORD. There was not a dry place on anyone. Buckets, and buckets of rain...and all of us, with the kids, at the parade, with chairs, blankets, strollers...needless to say, by the time we walked back to the house, we had to strip all the kids and put all their clothes in the dryer. So thankful we got pictures BEFORE they all looked like drowned rats!
We went back home and ate lunch, swam (after the rain stopped) and had a great day. We played and played until around 7 when we changed clothes, and went back over to get ready for the fireworks.

We walked back over to the park (this time, without getting drenched!) and watched the fireworks. The girls loved it. This was the first year Ella really paid attention. She loved watching and kept pointing and saying "light". Such a great day!