Today was Mia's first day of school! She was so excited. She came in my room all morning and said "MOM! Are you ready yet?? I am going to be late for school!" To understand why this made me and Ryan so would have to know that last year was NOT a good year for her. She hated school. It was a fight every Wednesday and Friday. I felt guilty making her go, and eventually pulled her out to only one day a week.
I think, in part, her year last year got off to a rough start. I was still in the hospital recovering from my delivery with Ella when she started school, so I didn't get to take her. I didn't get to take or pick her up for at least the first month she was there. Then there was the adjustment to her new sister. There was also, I think, a problem with her relating to her teachers.
We started talking about school about a month ago...I told her, "you get to be in a big girl class with new teachers..." We have been praying for several weeks that this year would be different for her. We went last week to Meet the Teacher day and, boy, were we ever surprised. Her teacher was wonderful from the minute we walked into the door. She got down on her level, talked to her until she was comfortable, showed her around the room and Mia immediately bonded with her. So much so, that she was mad when it was time to go!

Mia was so excited about her "big backpack" that she picked out was bigger than her!
Such a big girl walking into school all by herself!
Smiling after she put her stuff up in her basket with her name on it!
She was very excited about the train table! She loved putting together the tracks and attaching the trains together!

Just before I of the little boys said, "why is your mom going bye bye?" Mia looked at him and said..."because, this is MY big girl class...not hers. She has to go take care of my sister."
When I picked her up, she was all smiles. "My monkey stayed on the tree all day long!" was the first thing she told me. This is for behavior...if they make good decisions, their monkey stays in the tree. If they don't, he falls out of the tree! Overall a great day for her! She can't wait until Friday!