Annalise was so excited about today. We went to the mall because she really "needed" to wear a dress on the first day of school. She picked it out all by herself and it is really cute.
We walked into her class and she was so big sitting at her desk, getting everything out of her bag and ready to go without any help.
We were so blessed to get Mrs. McCoullock this year. Annalise talked about her all summer and was convinced that she would be her teacher. She was super excited when I swam out into the middle of the ocean where she was to tell her that she, in fact, did get Mrs. McCoullock!
Buddy Aidan was starting all day Kindergarten today!
Best buddies...Annalise 2nd Grade....AIdan Kindergarten...Kylie-loo 1st Grade
I can't wait until 3:00 so I can hear all about her day. It has been crazy around here without her today to help me!